Tuesday 29 March 2011

My Healthy Obsession.

Gizzi Erskine- My Idol
Above is a photo of Gizzi Erskine, one of my favourite chefs and women in general. I think she is not only stunning, but daring, passionate and extremely talented. She has helped me to turn my life from a dangerous place. Since moving to London, I seriously comfort ate, and as an ex-heffer, I seriously know that this is a bad place for me to be in...
At the age of 14, I got my first serious boyfriend. Despite our initial infatuation, he wasn't really reliable, and I found myself really comparing myself to other girls my age. You know how teenagers are. I began hating my lack of breasts and womanly-ness, and so I seriously over ate. Then I developed a taste for fried foods, easy pickings and lack of nutrition an my weight crept up and up. At the age of 16 I was a size 14 (originally an 8), and was the unhappiest I'd ever been. It took one small comment from the afore mentioned boyfriend, and another from my aunt, and I decided to quit this terrible cycle I had got myself into. I began going to the gym, cut out chocoalte, chips, pies, pizzas, danish pastries, pastries in general, full fat anything, ice cream, deserts, sweets, cake, fish and chips... and anything that was bad for me. In the summer of 2010 I was back to a petite size 8 and was super happy at my final Summer Ball, seeing myself as the prettiest and skinniest girl there.
Now, I'm not going to preach that being a size 8 is ideal for everyone, and that skinniness brings happiness, because now I live in constant self obsession over everything I put into my body. I don't drink alcohol, and I work out for 1 hour everyday. I am terrified of becoming that huge girl again.

This blog is a method of self-expression but it is also a place for me to vent my food worries. I do not have any mental illnesses or eating disorders; I am just incredibly passionate about food and eating. I do have treats! Don't get me wrong! Over my birthday I didn't count a single calorie for 6 days! I ate chocolate, a huge chocolate cake, cup cakes, fish and chips, monster pizzas, steak and chips... the list goes on. So that's my story...

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